Does Penis Size Matter?

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Men have many questions regarding their penis and reproductive health, but the question frequently is about penis size and whether it can affect their daily lives and relationships. So, the question they usually ask is, does penis size matter?


Penis size is a major concern for most men. A significant percentage of men hint that they are not comfortable with their current penis size. So does your penis size really matter?

Numerous surveys contend that over four-fifths of women are satisfied with the size of their partners’ penis. However, the remainder aired displeasure about the size.

But most women general agreed that the average sized penis is good enough. However, size in itself is not the only yardstick for measuring sexual satisfaction. There are other issues also involved.

Men who take their time and provide serious concentration to foreplay, teasing and oral sex quickly compensate for their small size. Foreplay has been proven to give a lot of women much more pleasure than vaginal penetration. This is mostly due to the fact that a woman’s pleasure spots are located a little outside of the vulva. So, a lot of gentle stimulations in this area can easily make a woman reach organs than a penis inside the vagina.

Further, a loving and caring man also scores better even when his size is not ideal. Conversely, even if you are well-endowed but arrogant, you provide a lesser sexual experience to women than a committed and passionate averagely-sized man. Remember that women are creatures of feelings and sensations. Once they are in a bad mood or they feel disrespected, you will be sure whatever your penis does will not excite them that much.

Ultimately, penis size matters. Fortunately, it’s not the only ingredient for judging sexual performance. It might be useful for you to know that a woman’s satisfaction in sex increases by folds when they are doing it with a man they are highly attracted to. Studies have shown this to be the case for an increased chance of orgasm. So the bottom line is that penis size alone does not become the sole determinant for a woman’s satisfaction in bed.

Penis size matters, of course, it does. However, it matters most to men. Men and their insecurity about penis size is a well-known obstacle. It is quite common for men to think they have a small penis, even though that usually is not the case.

Women, on the other hand, do not look at the penis so emotionally. For the majority of women penis and penis size does not mean the center of the Universe as it does for most of the male population. When talking about penis size, women most definitely prefer girth over length.

Average penis size

Almost every man measures and thinks about his penis length more than once in his life. When measuring the length, it is important to learn how to do it properly to avoid further anxiety and disappointment.

Another fact that should be well researched by men to avoid losing self-esteem is the scientifically and commonly recognized average penis size. Most men rely on information they gather from closer friends or family and compare their penis size to those stories.

However, these stories have often the tendency to exaggerate and distort the actual truth about penis size. Accepted average penis size is quite smaller than men (or women) would expect. After several extended studies, researchers came to the conclusion that an average penis size falls in the neighborhood of:

According to studies, only 5 out of 100 men have longer penises, meaning that if your correctly measured penis size falls between 4 and 6.3 inches, you belong to 94% of the male population with averagely sized penises. Micropenis condition, on the other hand, is very rare and 0, 6-1% of the male population experiences it.

Penis size, important to women

Women feel far more satisfied with penis length than men. 25% percent of the female population prefers bigger sized penises and 75% of women would be pleased with an average size penis as they evaluate the whole package rather than just the organ.

Women like to evaluate their partner as a whole and only according to their sexual organ. They like the male´s sexual organ to be in proportion with the rest of the body.

A great personality and overall convincing male presence is another thing woman finds very appealing. When talking about what women and what penis size they prefer, we should also mention the nature of the relationship.

All the above mentioned statistical data usually applies to what women search in a long-term relationship partner. However, when searching for only a one-night or casual entertaining, penis size demands can increase a little:

Men should keep in mind that the size of the penis does somewhat matter to women, especially at a certain point in life. However, when considering or looking for a life-long companion, women will look at the whole package and will most definitely not decide solely on penile size.

There is so much more to life than just the size of a certain body organ.

One Natural Viagra Food To Boost Stamina


The consumption of fish increases dramatically during the winter months and there is a strong reason behind this tendency. Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which include EPA as well as DHA. Both of these acids lift the brain’s dopamine levels and it further leads to the instant arousal.

Salmon, tuna, and mackerel are the worldwide famous fish for their ability to lift the level of sexual desire. All of these three species feature a higher concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3s are also known as good fats. The major positive of these fats is their contribution to better blood circulation. Once again, for any natural food to act like Viagra, it is important to help blood circulation and contribute to vessel health.

Don’t try to overeat the fish in an attempt to maximize your sexual ability. Maintain the balance, especially during the summer season. Yes, during winter months, fish is definitely going to make your life super-fabulous.

Protect Your Erection 1 Tip To Help Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

Be hygienic

When it comes to having erectile dysfunction, there is no single cause to it. In other words, there are a lot of factors that can cause erectile dysfunction – one of which is bad personal hygiene. Men who are often careless with their bodies can easily become infected with illnesses that could make them impotent. But it is not just about physical hygiene but mental hygiene has to be considered. Thus you should take to following steps to ensure proper hygiene.

  1. Don’t flirt with everyone: If you must be casual with sex, you should set standards as to who you have sexual interactions with. Moving around with too many partners can increase your risk of having chlamydia – a sexually transmitted disease known for causing ED.
  2. Maintain good oral and body hygiene: Ensure you take your bath every day. Also, ensure you protect yourself against harsh environments with low air quality and high levels of radiation.
  3. Maintain good mental health: Mental health problems don’t directly cause ED, however, treating it with certain drugs can lead to it. Thus, you are better off preventing chronic mental health problems in the first place.

Erectile Dysfunction And Your Health 1 Thing You Need To Know

Erectile dysfunction can be dangerous

When a man has erectile dysfunction, the major symptom they experience is difficulty in having and maintaining an erection to the point where they’ll have at least one ejaculation. Because of this, many men (especially the older ones) don’t see erectile dysfunction as dangerous since there is no harsh body pains or discomfort.

But that doesn’t make it count as safe at all. In fact, ignoring erectile dysfunction can be very dangerous and can be a silent killer. This is so because erectile dysfunction can just be a symptom of an underlying disease such as a heart attack and diabetes. The penis relies on your cardiovascular systems as well as your urinary system to have and maintain an erection when either of these systems fails, it will most likely lead to a problem with erections of the penis. This is one of the major reasons why men should feel concerned about ED when they have it as it can reveal a lot about their body systems. It is also another reason why you shouldn’t treat erectile dysfunction as a normal part of aging.