Can’t Get an Erection? Here’s 8 How To’s To Fix Your Issues Now

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Difficulties attaining a firm erection is a common occurrence. No wonder over thirty percent of all adult males experience such conditions at any stage during their lifetime.

Though many of ED are temporary hiccups, some conditions grow to become chronic. If left unattended, these situations can bring about negative influences in your marital life. It’s, therefore, prudent to fix your erectile problems before they turn ugly.

To fix them early, you need to consider the eight factors. Carefully consider the effects of your medications, even if they are as innocent as the cold tablets. Sometimes it happens that your medications can be affecting your erections. Common culprits in this regard are pills meant to treat mental health problems, suppressants and antidepressants usually come to mind in this regard. Try as much as possible to avoid them if you can. If they are prescribed to you by your doctor, you should, as a matter of fact, take them until the problem solves. Don’t trade your mental health for your sexual health.

You also need to get into the right shape. You can do this by trimming your waistline to attain a thin pelvic skin. Furthermore, avoid anything that may give you a beer belly. Though beer belly does not in any way cause ED, it is nevertheless one thing that could inhibit your sexual performance. It can make your penis look very small and inhibit its performance. By the way, women often consider men with big bellies as unattractive and sexually unfit. You don’t want to be perceived as such.

Apparently, smoking and drugs abuse result in erectile dysfunction. When you drink excessively, it may turn chronic. Therefore, quit these bad habits.

Too much worrying also leads to anxiety. When your body is stressed out, the secretion of male sex hormones wanes. Perhaps, stress can also lead to a lack of quality sleep. And inadequate rest has a cascading effect on erection.

It’s also essential to maintain good hygiene. And oral health is vital in your effort to restore a proper erection. Studies have concluded that healthy gums improve your penis functions considerably. If you are having a dangerous sex life, then it is time to consider having self-control. Erectile dysfunction is a difficult sexual problem on its own. Having an STD such as gonorrhea, syphilis, will further complicate existing problems.

1 Way To Improve Men's Sexual Health - Never use a spray on your penis

Perfumes are not meant for clothes; neither are they meant for use on your penis. Some perfumes contain alcohol and substances that are dangerous for the scrotum and semen production. If you think you need to cover up the bad smell, then the best way to go about it is by putting on clean undies and washing your penis.

Are you worried about not getting an erection during sex? Are you having trouble getting an erection? Worry no more because we have something for you. We have found some helpful ways to help you fix your issue.

Nowadays, erection problems have become more common than they were in the past decades. Perhaps, we may blame poor lifestyle habits and the general stressing environment for this misfortune.

The causes of erectile dysfunction are physical, biological or psychological. Sometimes, the condition is due to health conditions such as hypertension and diabetes or even their corresponding medicines. In other cases, stress and bad relationships are to blame for erectile problems.

Whatever the cause of your erectile dysfunction is, it is not a hopeless case. The following are eight ways of fixing your erections.

Make physical a habit

It should reach a point where you cannot live without a minimum of 30 minutes of physical exercises on a daily basis. Nobody is telling to pay up those expensive gym subscriptions. It could be a morning or evening jog, or just a brisk walk.

Of utmost importance is to get up and so something that will get you sweating. It goes a long way in improving blood flow which in turn enhances your erectile function.

Learn how to manage your stress effectively

Stress, if not managed properly, has the potential to impact your erections adversely. As such, irrespective of the pressure you are in, it is imperative that you learn how to keep your stress levels as low as possible. Aspire to do so, even if it means seeking professional help.

Maintain a happy and fulfilling relationship

As mentioned earlier, the bad or unhappy relationship may put strains on your sex life, and this might reflect negatively on your ability to obtain or maintain an erection.

Couples are advised to keep communication lines at all times. Work hard to build trust in your relationship so that you can confidently talk about anything with your partner.

How To Tell Her You Have A Small Penis?

Focus on your dressing

Never forget that the girls who are obsessed with physical characteristics are also known for appreciating impressive dressing. You might have to spend some extra money to avail of the type of suits and fashionable apparel to impress her but it is worth doing.

Girls are known to be more sensitive to fashion and the way you carry yourself. Don’t forget to stay in touch with the latest fashion and try your best to stay nice and tidy all the time as long as your budget allows you to afford the latest dresses and premium brands.

If you successfully impress your partner with your outlook and dressing, she will be least concerned about the size of your penis. You can feel more confident about revealing your penis to her. Again, it is the idea of compensating for the small size. To push out something from a human mind basically needs to replace that thing with something important.

Even small penis is sensational

Basically, the size of the penis and worrying about it is a psychological phenomenon. The truth is that even the small penis triggers sensation. Tell your girl that only penetration isn’t sufficient for females to achieve orgasm.

The truth is that just 20% of women achieve orgasm only from penetration. It clearly means that the penile size is not the only factor needed for female orgasm. There are other factors you need to consider if your girl wants to achieve orgasm. Even then if your girl isn’t convinced, tell her the realistic ways to optimize penetration even with a small penis.

Sex positions that are based on penetration from behind are known for better penetration. Even the positions involving elevated legs and hips are recommended for optimal penetration. So, there are simple solutions through which you could easily convince your girl that you have the ability to penetrate to a pleasurable extent.

Quit cigarette smoking

Cigarette smoking is not only bad for your lungs, but also your male reproductive system. Besides causing penis shrinkage, the cigarette is known to cause erectile dysfunction.

The smoke in the cigarettes contains a substance that constricts the blood vessels and in turn cripples their role of allowing a steady supply of blood to the penis area and other parts of the body.

Moderate your booze

Habitual consumers of alcohol will take this as bad news. However, if you can moderate your alcohol intake or quit altogether, you will be glad you did in the end. Just try it and see how your erectile function will respond.

Lose weight

Have you recently added a couple of pounds and can’t get your penis up? It could be one of your reasons for your current misery. Make the necessary lifestyle adjustments to help you get rid of that excess weight.

Eat a well-balanced diet and stay clear of junk and processed foods. Incorporate an exercise routine in your life. Do whatever you have to do, but don’t indulge in the quick fixes associated with weight loss.

Stay clear of recreation drugs

If you have been abusing or misusing drugs, consider stopping with immediate effect. These drugs are known to interfere with the normal functioning of the body, and your reproductive system will not be spared.

Speak to your doctor

Your doctor will conduct several tests to determine the state of your overall health. He will also want to know the kind of lifestyle you lead. He may make the above seven recommendations, and prescribe ED drugs.

If it comes apparent to him that the root of your problem is a psychological problem, he will refer you and your partner to a sex therapist or a regular counselor.

One Crucial Consideration Before Undergoing Penile Enlargement

What type of penis enlargement do I want

I presume you have familiarised yourself with the different types of penis enlargement but there is nothing to worry about if you haven’t done so. Now, when pursuing penis enlargement, you must establish if you want girth enlargement or penile length enlargement.

Your decision will be informed by how you view your manhood. Do you think your penis is too thin? Then penile girth enlargement is what you need. On the other hand, if you think your penis is too short, you may want to consider penile length enlargement.

Some people who think that their penises are both short and slim opt for both penile girth and length enlargement. While it is possible, it might take a little longer than when a person is targeting just one type of enlargement.

It all melts down to what method of PE is used. Some people don’t want actual gains but desire stronger and longer lasting erections. This too is possible.