Penis Size: It May Be Written In the Length Of His Fingers

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Researchers have linked the ratio between the index and ring finger of a man to the size of his penis. Continue reading to learn more about the link between penis size and the length of his fingers.


Your index and ring fingers may give away your penis size, literally. These two digits have a positive correlation that is used to predict the length of your penis. There has been a number of studies that were performed on men who visited the urological department at a hospital in South Korea. The team made some measurements on the penises of patients when in a flaccid state and when stretched. However, the penises were not in an erect state as the men whose penises were being measured were under anesthesia as they were undergoing surgical treatments pertaining to urological issues. The team found some evidence for this common cocktail talk.

Men with longer index fingers acquire higher doses of testosterone hormones as a fetus, hence manage to grow longer penises.

Conversely, men whose ring fingers are longer than index fingers accumulated higher dosages of estrogen than testosterone. The estrogen is responsible for a slower penile length growth as these boys turn to men.

And the higher the ratio – the difference in length of the index and ring fingers - the longer the size of erect penises. This ratio increases when the index is longer than the ring finger. It reduces in swapping of the finger lengths.

This finding suggests that prenatal testosterone buildup may significantly affect the penis size of the foetus growing up into adulthood. Testosterone has also been linked with how attractive a man can be as he reaches adulthood.

Hence, next time your girlfriend lingers a bit longer on your fingers and fingernails, you should figure out that she is sizing you out, literally. Although her assessment may be correct, you better hope she doesn’t say no. Just keep in mind though that the research was performed on men in a single group of ethnicity. Suggestions have been made that tell this may not apply to all men on a global scale.

Apparently, a look at a man’s right hand can reveal so much information about him – from intellect to personality as well as physiology. Inspect your right hand.

Between your index finger and the ring finger which one is shorter? The digit ratio of these lengths can tell so much about you; according to several studies.

Behavior towards men

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, men whose short fingers are shorter than ring fingers have a tendency of being nicer to women. Scientists have attributed these findings to the sex hormone exposure while in the womb.

In this study, 155 research participants – 77 women and 78 men – filled out forms for each interaction they had with a member of the opposite sex that lasted more than five minutes; within a period of three weeks.

The checklist of behaviors involved quarrelsome and agreeable. Men whose digit-rations are small seemed to engage in a third more agreeable behaviors towards the women, and third less quarrelsome compared to men whose digit-rations were large – according to the report.

Past research studies have shown that, the digit-rations, also known as 2D:4D ratio can be used to determine the number of male hormones, primarily testosterone that a person is exposed to while in the womb.

Higher levels of testosterone are associated with longer ring fingers compared to the index one.

3 Ways To Treat Premature Ejaculation

Zinc Supplements

Zinc is highly important for the growth of cells and the automatic healing (immunity) of cells. This is the mineral deficiency of which results in multiple complications. The production of testosterone mainly depends on zinc. Sexual dysfunction occurs when the level of zinc drops below the minimum required level.

It is recommended to consume at least 11 milligrams of zinc every day to avoid premature ejaculation. Taking the recommended amount of zinc per day minimizes the risk of premature ejaculation. Experts often recommend zinc supplements to bring back the release of testosterone to the desired level which further heals different sexual complications including premature ejaculation.

But make sure not to consume too much zinc because the excessive consumption of zinc can result in vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, temporary stomach damage, temporary kidney damage, and a metal-like taste on the tongue. It is better to consult an expert before taking zinc supplements.


Ginger is a vital ingredient found in most of the Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic medicines. The primary use of ginger is control over inflammation. In addition, ginger has a positive impact on sexual health for both men as well as women. Dried ginger powder is used in the subcontinent as a home remedy for curing cyst.

Kamasutra mentions ginger’s role as a sex boosting ingredient. Ginger contains an important chemical called gingerol that is characterized by the heat which it releases inside the body. In addition, there are manganese and potassium in ginger that is good for maintaining testosterone levels.

Manganese provides your pelvic muscles and penis with sufficient energy for optimal sexual performance. In addition to improving sperm quality, ginger enables the muscles of your sex organs to contain ejaculation for a long time. Use ginger on a regular basis if you want to last longer in the bed while controlling ejaculation.

Maca Root

Maca Root aka Viagra of Peru is famous for its contribution to optimal sex as it helps men to last longer in order to let the partner reach orgasm.  Maca Root increases libido levels both in men and women. In Peru, Maca Root is often admired as the best natural alternative to Viagra.

Maca Root improves ejaculation by letting you avoid premature ejaculation. In addition, if you are in need of energy and stamina booster, you need to consider Maca Root. It also improves fertility in men as well as women. As far as the nutrients are concerned, Maca Root contains calcium, manganese, potassium, iron, and more importantly, zinc.

This is the best package of nutrients for men suffering from premature ejaculation. The reason is that the combination of iron and zinc offers multiple benefits by improving erecting, energy level, and delayed ejaculation. Maca Root also decreases stress levels and in addition, it helps to regulate testicle functionality by nourishing the hypothalamus.

Digit-ratio and penis size

The idea that digit-ratios of men and exposure to male hormones in the womb are connected isn’t exactly a new thing.

For example, a small 2002 research study that was published in the Journal of Urology reported a correlation between the index finger’s length and the penis size of healthy men aged below 40 years.

This lead to a conclusion that the amounts of testosterone while a baby is in the womb impacts the growth of both.

Different studies have gone ahead to link the 2D:4D ratio with other qualities defining a man such as a penis size. A 2011 research study published in the Journal of Andrology linked a small digit-ratio to a lengthier stretched male member.

The study involved 144 respondents aged above 20 years undergoing urological surgery at that time. Immediately the men were anesthetized, two different researchers measured the length of the patients’ fingers as well as the penises – stretched and flaccid.

A stretched penis was taken as the equivalent of erect penis size. The shorter the second finger as compared to the fourth finger, the longer the stretched member was. Again, the researchers blamed this revelation to the amount of testosterone exposure of the participants in the womb.

However, the hormone exposures and genetic activities linking the size of fingers to that of the dicks are yet to be known. The thing, the role played by testosterone when the baby is in the womb cannot be downplayed.

Digit-ratios have also been linked with other aspects surrounding the lives of men such as rate of risk to prostate cancer, facial attractiveness and academic components such as SAT performance.

Erectile Dysfunction And Your Health 2 Things You Need To Know

Penis enlargement schemes can cause ED

What kind of penis do you have? Small penis, average penis or a big one? No matter what some men may think of their penis, they always seem to seek for a bigger one. There could be many motivating factors for bigger penises, but wishing for a bigger penis can be dangerous because it can worsen the case when you make an attempt to increase your size.

There are 3 popular ways you can increase your dick size– penis pills, surgeries, and penis pumps. All three methods have had their own downsides – surgeries and penis pump in particular. Some surgical method has to do with filling the penis with stuff to make it feel bigger. This is dangerous because when it goes wrong, it can lead to permanent erection and an attempt to solve the problem can further worsen your potency. Penis pumps, on the other hand, can damage your penis nerves and prevent erection.

If your case of ED is an acute one, then never try self-medication, visit a doctor

If you’re having an ED and you are trying to do something about it, then you might be taking a big risk. This is so because many cases of erectile dysfunction don’t just happen out of the blue. In most cases, erectile dysfunction has an underlying sickness causing the abnormally. Furthermore, personal attempts to fix the problem may complicate the issue further. Also, you stand the risk of damaging your heart and blood vessels when you make use of the wrong solutions.

At the first time, you noticed an erectile dysfunction,  you should be very sure about it before visiting a doctor. But make no mistake, it won’t be so bad if you see a doctor even when you’re not sure about having an ED. A doctor can help you with appropriate advice and medication. Never be in a hurry to take Viagra or any other popular medication you may have heard of.